Essential HR Policies and Procedures Every Company Should Have

There are a lot of dynamics to take care of while running a business. You might be caught on something, and another issue might pop up simultaneously that needs your attention immediately. Things like these are a common observation and a common experience among the executives of a company. Amidst this chaos, sitting down to write detailed and well-researched policies and procedures, starting from scratch, will most probably turn into a migraine.

Dubai is well known for its financial position in terms of revenue generated from businesses there. Most of the well-known companies are headquartered in Dubai. It is known as the “Financial Hub” of the world. Companies such as S&K Consulting offer HR services that run on strong and strict HR policies, which is one reason most of them stand on top of the corporate world. Without further ado, let’s dive right into it.

Recruitment Policy

The Human Resources (HR) department is responsible for creating a complete recruitment policy that highlights and includes the whole process of hiring a talent/individual, whether the hiring is for the employee or internee positions. If the company caters to hiring based on references of the current employees, HR should also include it in this policy.

Working Hours Policy

The HR here needs to incorporate flexible working hours. When to clock in and out of the office, when to go for lunch, and all the other necessary breaks the company offers should be included here. There is a need to clearly specify whether the working hours are fixed from end to end, like 9-5, or based on completing the defined hours, like 10-6, etc. If the company offers work from home on certain occasions, it should also be documented here.

Promotion Policy

On what criteria are the employees subjected to promotions, and their performance evaluation criteria are to be specified here. The promotion policy should be crystal clear and should be implemented fair and squarely.

Health and Safety Policy

The safety and health of the employees of the company should be the priority within the premises of the company and should be dealt with like one. A medical center at the company premises should be equipped with necessary emergency treatment protocols and an emergency doctor.

The company’s standard Operation Procedures (SOPs) should include safety protocols/assets that the employees should follow/wear when entering a dedicated area for that SOP. These SOPs ensure the safety of the employee and prevent any harm.


HR companies Dubai such as S&K Consulting, offer their refined services to the companies in Dubai. You can always shake hands and cooperate with these companies, get the above responsibilities off your shoulders, and focus on what’s on your plate!

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